Using one of my illustrations for the D&AD New Blood Awards, I created a completely new set of print materials for the album 'Helping Hands' by Ivan Ave. This particular release had very little or no print materials, so I took the information and developed an entirely new concept using my own artwork.

The illustration was largely dictated by the brief set by D&AD but upon further research into the album’s subject matter, lyrics and ideology, I found that the two briefs had similar objectives. Therefore, I decided to use the same artwork, slightly tweaked, as the base for this album which centres largely around self discovery and expression. In terms of the look and feel, I was inspired by the dusty and retro feel of vintage halftone prints of the 20th century and felt this aesthetic was a nice nod to the space race illustrations and tied in nicely with the essence of discovery and adventure.

Tools Used:
Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign

Editorial & Layout / Typography / Illustration / Print / Merchandise


Logo Stings: Various


Newham College: SEND Prospectus